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Chester Amphitheatre Project Blog


Welcome to the official Blog of the Chester Amphitheatre Project.

Friday, August 4

Cutting Edge Technology ...

is being employed to create a permanent record of the 'footprints'. We have commissioned Birmingham University (the HP Vista Technology centre) to record the foot-prints using a Leica HDS 3500 Laser Scanner - this has taken measurements at 0.5cm intervals to give intricate detail in order to make 3-dimensional rotational models, and from which resin casts can be made in the future. Images were also recorded from the surrounding area including some of the amphitheatre masonry in order to provide a context for the record of the footprints. Thanks again to Paul for all his hard work!

posted by Cheryl Quinn at 16:41



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I saw that machine being used the other day and guessed what it was - thanks to the wonderful webcam! Looking forward to seeing the results in due course.

4:56 PM, August 06, 2006  

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